Our Physical Examinations
A physical examination is a routine test your primary care provider (PCP) performs to check your overall health. A PCP may be a doctor, a nurse practitioner, or a physician assistant. The exam is also known as a wellness check. You don’t have to be sick to request an exam.
The physical exam can be a good time to ask your PCP questions about your health or discuss any changes or problems that you have noticed.
There are different tests that can be performed during your physical examination. Depending on your age or medical or family history, your PCP may recommend additional testing.
DOT Examination
A Department of Transportation (DOT) physical is a health examination mandated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) for commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers. A DOT physical helps determine if a driver is physically, mentally, and emotionally fit to operate a CMV.
If you are a commercial driver, you are a “safety-sensitive” employee. And for your safety and the public’s safety, FMCSA requires you to complete and pass a DOT physical to maintain a valid commercial driver’s license (CDL).

School Physical Exam
Back-to-school is a busy time of year filled with books, class schedules, school supplies, and shopping for new clothes. It is also the time of year when students head to the doctor for school physicals. Though not always required, school physicals are a way of monitoring a student’s general health and physical abilities, as well as detect any underlying conditions that could hinder classroom and athletic performance.
Did you know…
that some schools insist on mandatory physical exams before the start of a new school year? This is especially true of students who participate in certain activities, such as sports or marching band. You may be required to provide proof of your child’s physical and submit a doctor’s statement of your child’s eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities.